Thanks to a friendly yet super persuasive sales assistant and Tangs Orchard; what started out as just wanting to buy the shower gel escalated into me forking out for the whole set! Hey, who could resist freebie after freebie: badges, samples, carry on pouches, exclusive dog tag... Hmm now i could finally do that layering thing when I go out on a hot date (haha...)
Anyway, if anyone is curious as to how the advertising and bottle design came into fruition, i suggest
filling up with some premium knowledge.
bestnyer... shoppas Fuel For Life to the MAX! I pun suka perfume nie la... and feel like wanted to donate my other perfumeries. Nak stick to Diesel only
shaz, nanti tlg temankan i beli kasut Diesel kat Spore blh?
Suka tak new layout I... ala2 brownish inspired by Fuel for Life.
Anyway amril nak temankan U shoppas kat Spore okey je... kita gi september la ala2 AW08 gitue
suka jugak dgn layout baru nie... nampak lebih vibrant. Btw, in Sept, kita puasa kan?
puasa ke? hmm... oklah october (if im still around, hehe)
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