Monday 26 April 2010

Home sweet home…

There comes a stage in ones life where he or she embarks on a decision or event that will forever alter their course in life from then onwards. Be it pursuing further studies, career advancement, purchasing their first property or car, falling in and out of love, getting married or having kids: all are rights of passages in the journey that is life.

I have the great privilege of witnessing firsthand the advancement of people close to me, my family and friends. And I am genuinely happy for each and everyone of them (in some cases, with a little sprinkling of jealousy, hehe). As with any life altering decisions, they are more often  not easy, come are fraught with more complications and sacrifices than perhaps the individual had bargained for. But, after sowing the seeds, nurturing and caring, the fruits that they enjoy at the end of it all, has been worth it.

I had aimed to pursue my studies a while ago, but alas that is not in the cards for me for the time being. I have also entertained the prospect of carrier advancement: While that requires not only the determination, drive and self-confidence which somehow I am lacking at the moment, but also the belief that people around me realise and acknowledges the potential that I have. As for falling in love? Well that requires a whole blog entry (or several) in itself, hehe…

So at the ‘ripe’ ol age of 30, what does one do to show (to himself more than anyone else), that every turn and twist leading up to this moment had not amounted to nothing?

In my case, If there is that one thing that I promised myself to undertake is buying my own house, my own place to proudly call my own.

Even that took much procrastination on my part, until of course the fateful Eureka moment when my parents informed me that my siblings will be moving into their apartment that I ‘took care of’ on my own all this while (7 years to be exact). So much for epiphanies, hehehe…

So after searching around, researching and some inner soul-researching, I finally took the plunge last Saturday and embarked on the journey (or should I say adventure) that will hopefully lead me to my dream abode. Thus, it is with great pleasure that I to introduce to you my ASTANA LUMAYAN.


Nestled within the established and pristine Tasik Permaisuri and Bandar Tun Razak cul-de-sac, this condominium promises a ‘lake park living’ lifestyle in Kuala Lumpur. Befitting its lush natural surroundings, the condominium employs state of the art green technology for a truly sustainable and responsible standard of living. And with a small density, it offers the exclusivity and safety that is unrivalled within the vicinity. Public amenities are also close by, offering the convenience and connectivity to complete the urban lifestyle.



The units themselves are a spacious 1,207.9 sq ft that are functionally laid out to maximise space. From the balcony, one can wither enjoy views of either the exhilarating city lights or refreshing lake park.



From time to time, I hope to share with you on the progress this journey: from the home purchase process, to construction and completion and right up to renovation and furnishing, and eventually culminating to the unveiling of the finished residence. So please stay tuned and watch this place…

ps: Is it ever too early to even discuss colour schemes? hehe ;)


  1. what happens tomorrow it does not matter but how will it happen is something that should be considered.

    good luck abg long.

  2. congrats shaz! so proud of u!

  3. hai syaz..
    congrats k
    im proud of u..
    u can discuss the color scheme with me
    i can be ur id with a very minimal fee..
    im proud of my home now & i'll make sure you'll be proud of yours
    bestnyer.. hehe.. finally..

  4. Thanks for the support guys :)

  5. hi diesel. my husband googled astana lumayan and he bumped into your blog. we purchased a unit too, and saw today that they have updated the website. shockingly the unit's layout was TOTALLY different, and overall size is bigger (1344sqft) with an extra bathroom. however in the spec list they're only providing 2 of everything in the sanitary fittings. major error u think? anyhoo, congrats on purchasing your first property :)

  6. Hi Nadia,
    i think the layout in the website is totaly innacurate... it would be a miracle if our house is suddenly bigger! haha. We should alert the developer on this.

    I think the layout is most likely for the upcoming Casa Lumayan, which has several choices in sizes. I have included the build up, specification + additional works of our Astana Lumayan in my latest blog entry.

    All the best... hope to become neighbours :)

  7. hi diesel and nadia..maybe all of us will become neighbours soon..i also bought the same condo..this is for my investment..i stay at vista amani now..
    Good to hear that we managed to grab the's like a hot cakes!a lot of peope out there is very frustated..all sold out within one day only! -hairul-

  8. Hi Hairul, nice to have you on board :)... yes, I feel very fortunate to have grabbed this opportunity, syukur sangat2.

    Even last week, there are still people coming over to the show unit only to return dissapointed cuz there are none left.

    Guess ill see all ov you in 2013 eh? hehe...

  9. yup..2013..another 3 years to go..this afternoon also i saw a lot of cars at danau office..maybe just to try their luck..:)

  10. Haha, good luck to them ;p

    Bur for those who really like to purchase property in the area, Danau will be launching there next project 'Casa Lumayan Condominium' by the middle of the year.

    In any case, we definately made the right choice cuz at 250 units, our Astana is quite low density ;)

  11. Hi guys, yup maybe we will become neighbours in 2013! I've got the swimming pool view unit, I would have preferred the KLCC view but alas, takde rezeki. Only lower level units available on that side :P

    Yea I heard ramai yg mengamuk because those who registered for the property at the recent MAPEX received invitations to the launch so they were very frustrated when they came. I would probably be one of those unlucky ones if I hadn't called the sales office earlier. We booked ours a week before the launch.

    Saw the Casa Lumayan bunting, it looks like it's gonna be extremely high-dense and very near to the cables. Asked Rohani from mktg about it but she's not too well-informed. I also emailed the Manager for Admin & Mktg on their website error but no replies yet, and clearly they haven't fixed it. Humm di dumm dumm~


  12. Hi Guys,

    I managed to grab a unit of Astana Lumayan...mine is facing to KLCC... now waiting for my loan... I've been waiting since early last year for this project...Alhamdulillah dpt satu.

  13. Another neighbour :) Congrats! All the best with your loan...

  14. Hi Guys,

    I received a call from the developer's lawyer...setting an appointment for singing the S&P. Any of u have signed the S&P?

    Any idea on how much they charge per S&P? -is-

  15. yes.i just signed the s&p this afternoon..i went to the lawyer's office.they indicated the charges about 2K++..
    But,yet to make a payment..

  16. Great to hear that some of you have started to sign the S&P. It seems that things are progressing smoothly. I havent recieved the call from the lawyers yet, so hopefully very soon.

    Anyway, a couple of questions for anyone who could answer:

    i) Just to confirm that the lawyers office (Sharmin Pang Ong) is in Plaza Damas, right?

    ii)Did they indicate by when would we need to pay their RM2K+ lawyer fees after the S&P signing?

  17. i think, a lot of lawyer companies is involved in this my case, the lawyer office nearby KLCC..danau lumayan choose randomly for each right, we should pay the lawyer fees once everything is complete (sign + stamping etc)..

  18. Yup...mine also from lawyer office located in Jalan Pinang (nearby KLCC).

    But guys, pls bear in mind that we need to get our loan approved 1st bef singing the spa (sales n purchase agreemnt).

    My Ambank app is just approved today same as Public Bank...n i probbly will consider public bank as they are offering better 2 cents.


  19. i heard there is a bank offering 2% interest rate for housing loan...

  20. 第77回 日本ダービー 2010 予想、オッズ、厳選買い目は?人気が平然と馬券に絡む理由とは!?見事に展開を読んで結果を的中させる

  21. hi neighbours!my fren & me got a unit there hepi..C u all 2013->

  22. 最近普通のプレイに物足りなさを感じているそこのアナタ、ワンランク上のプレイをしてみませんか?そんな時の目安にSM度チェッカーを使うんです。自分の深層心理を暴きパートナーとのプレイ時のアドバイスも付きますよ!!一度どうですか

  23. 世の中手っ取り早く、簡単に金持ちに為ったもん勝ち!!そのためのツールが玉の輿度チェッカーです。心理カウンセラーを雇い、一人一人どうすれば人に好かれるか、最終的に結婚へのプロセスに持っていくかのアドバイスを期間限定で無料サービス中です。上手く玉の輿に乗っければ儲けもんです、一度試してみよう

  24. mコミュは無料登録で友達を沢山作る事のできる掲示板サイトです。使った事のない人でも簡単に使う事ができるのでお気軽にお立ち寄りください

  25. スタービーチの出合いは他の出合い系サイトのものよりも確実に良い思いができるのは間違いありません。新しい出合いを求めたいと思っているのなら当サイトを利用してください。損はさせませんよ

  26. 素敵な出 会 いで愛を育む♪理想の人と楽しめる関係を築きませんか?mコミュでしか味わえない幸せを掴みましょう

  27. mixiをも凌駕する出会い率!!出会いをするならここしかない♪mixiより出会えてしまうこのサイト。一度ハマれば辞めれません。スタービーチで素敵な出会いをしちゃいましょう

  28. スタビが今一番アツイのはご存じでしょうか?夏休みで出会いを探している娘とすぐに会えちゃうんです。登録無料でここまで出会える所は他には存在しません。今登録して良いパートナーに巡り合おう

  29. greeで素敵な時間を過ごしたい・・・そんな願望を叶えてくれるサイト誕生!!今までにないドキドキ感と興奮をこのグリーで楽しみましょう

  30. スタービーチで始まる素敵な出 合いをしていきませんか。楽しめる出 合いを経験するにはココから始まる!!最高の出 合いがあなたを待っている

  31. もう夏休みも終わりに近づき、この夏最後の思い出を作りたいと焦ってる方が、モバゲーのコミュニティーに書かれてましたよ!!折角なんで夏の思い出作りに協力して自分も美味しい思いをしてみるのはどうですか?大手スポンサーサイトが付いてるので全部タダですよ

  32. 最近はどこのSNSサイトも規制ばっかりで、ちょっと出 合いに関して書き込みするとアク禁食らうけど、夏休み終盤に差し掛かり色々なサイトを調べた結果、グリーだけはどうも規制が緩んでるみたいです。今がチャンスの時期ですよ

  33. ツイッターで出 合 いを求めるのです。気の合う異性と交流して楽しいひと時をお過ごしください。登録無料で使えるので気軽さは100点満点!

  34. mコミュでならご近所さんと出会える確率99%!友達や恋人を探してる人はここで見つけてみませんか
