Monday 11 January 2010

Better late than never…

Sometimes on the net when you go an idle browsing spree, or even flipping through magazines, you come across items that you truly covet. Items that makes you go ‘I just gotta have this no matter what’.

Yet, for some reason or another, you never did follow-through your desires. The self assuaging reason that you came up for yourself is that maybe the moment has passed (although still deep down inside you would still jump on them if the opportunity ever comes knocking).

Well , what would happen if the opportunity does indeed presents itself? Would you still take the leap and faith, whip out your credit card and finally fulfil your long unquenched desires? After all, if it was an impressive instant, love-at-first-sight surge you felt when you first laid your eyes on them way way back, isn't the feeling still true now as it is then?

That is precisely what happened to me when stumbling across these two particular DIESEL items.

First, is the Diesel DZ4160 Freak of Nature Watch.




No, your eyes are not playing tricks on you! There is photo-shopping involved here. This is an actual watch. Dubbed Frankenstein’s  timepiece in certain quarters, due to looking like a cross-breeding of two entirely different watches into one.

Half of the watch face features an oval steel case with a multi-coloured chronograph dials and the remaining half has a square gold case with standard watch dial and genuine leather strap. The result is something that you either love OR hate: there is no in-between.

I stumbled upon this monster while making a slight detour from my usual shopping trek in Orchard Road last Xmas. It was found in all places, at the humble OG Shopping mall (lessen to self; never ever under-estimate any mall, no mater how un-posh it is. You really never know what's in-store until you go into the store).

The price was a bit steep, even more so when I have busted my supposed budget by then. Even though there was a 20% discount, OG has sneakily made the savings in the form of in-store cash rebates. So you still end up paying full price for the item… and need to purchase other things to utilise the rebate! Luckily for me I managed to find a couple of nice DKNY undies (you can never have too many of these), paying just SGD2 on-top. In any case, the 7% GST refund did manage to lessen the blow on the wallet :P.

Second is the Nizza Hi Adidas Originals // 55DSL X XV/55 Limited Edition Sneakers.





55DSL and adidas Originals have collaborated to create a special limited edition shoe called XV/55 in celebration of the street wear brand’s 15th anniversary. A combination of 55DSL’s trademark colours and angel logo with the slick styling and technical expertise of adidas Originals’ iconic Nizza model makes this sneaker the ultimate collector’s item.

I have been meaning to check these out during my Xmas holidays in Singapore at 55DSL’s official stockist ‘Actually’ in Seah Street. But somehow didn't quite manage to make it there. Online, i have been eying these babies for a while now on, but didn't take the plunge until the site offered a 30% boxing day discount, which just about offsets the cost of shipping. 

So there, at last my two elusive conquests now sits proudly on wrist and feet. Like the always say: better late than never… otherwise a lifetime of regret.

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