Sunday 25 October 2009

If you thought I would wait for you, you thought…


I could picture this ever so vividly:

Me putting on the final touches on my outfit while looking outside my apartment window, at the throngs of people slowly making their way into the stadium. Are we late? No, not when the venue is just a few minutes away from where you live. Perhaps a short detour to the merchandise booths, perhaps picking up the tour book, a T-shirt or some other nick-nacks.

The crowd is getting wild. Must be almost 8PM. Better find our seats. There, right in front: Arena A, row EE, seat 05. WOW! what a strategic view, so near to the stage. Even can catch a glimpse of the local celebrities. Definitely worth paying top dollar.

The crowd is getting restless. Sea of people chanting her name. Any time now…. Suddenly the lights fade. Screams! Palpitations! Excitement!

There… rising amidst the stage smoke, striking a very fierce pose, looking every bit the DIVA. She opens her mouth… “Are you ready Malaysia!”


Alas… all of this is not meant to be, for now at least. For whatever reasons the concert is postponed (not cancelled…couldnt stress that enough), I sincerely believe it wasn't her intention to disappoint her legion of Malaysian fans. I hope the replacement date will be announced soon, and not too far away. Like they always say, third times a charm.

So B, if you thought i would wait for you, you thought RIGHT! :)

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